DRY ICE Tools Athlete Karsten Delap is having a busy summer! Due to a shifting of plans, Karsten has been steadily adventuring around the Pacific Northwest as well as closer to his home in North Carolina. Below, Karsten let's us in on some spectacular images and his notes from the road:
As an alpine guide and mountain athlete things never go as one plans.
I was supposed to be sending in Alaska as I write this but instead I am sitting on a plane headed to Colorado for an AMGA board meeting. Which is good, I hate missing meetings, and also good because last week being open gave me the opportunity to ski some volcanos out west in some of the most splitter weather I have ever had in that region.

The canceled trip also gave me time to check out a seldom visited crag in North Carolina of which I climbed a line that, after being re-bolted, I would put as one of the top ten lines I have climbed in NC. So I still have one week before I should "be back home", let's see what that will materialize!

Image ® Joel Fluty
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Karsten is also supported by: La Sportiva, Furnace Industries, Julbo, Ibex, and Deuter