You asked for them, we got em! Boutique Full-Steel drytooling holds available in the USA!
Designed and manufactured by POLISH Competition Climbers.
Steel Holds Begin Shipping October 1, 2024.
Full Set of Kuznia Szpeju Steel Drytooling Holds
Save 15% when you go in on a whole set.
Asymmetric Roller
Better have your act together for this one... Comp climbers only need apply.
A smooth dish for challenging but confident placements.
A classic design. Much harder than it looks.
Duo Crimp
Two possible placements for wicked hard traverses, and even more creative floating steins.
Finger 40a
Rod connected to plate at 40°. A solid yang-gaup for steep terrain.
Finger 20a
Rod connected to plate at 20°. A solid yang-gaup for less steep terrain.
Finger 5a
Rod connected to plate at 5°. A solid yang-gaup for vertical terrain.
An ‘edgey’ take on the Bow hold, the Gutter features a channel for more confident placements.
Hook 20a
A variation on a classic design, the 20° Hook will challenge steep placements.
Hook 45a
Another variation on a classic design, the 45° Hook will provide more secure placements on the steeps.
Hook 90a
The classic design, the 90° Hook will provide super secure placements on steep and overhanging terrain.
The clear MVP among drytooling holds, this nearly 3” diameter Pacman is sure to satisfy as much as it challenges
Teddy Bear
A new idea in the drytooling holds, the Teddy Bear features a 3” diameter 360° incut with three notches to ratchet up your setting and drytooling creativity.
A classic favorite among those in the know, the Tongue allows for endless route setting creativity.