Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these DRY ICE reps from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
The historic crippling blizzard of 2013 could not stop the DRY ICE juggernaut! In fact, for once I guess our federal tax dollars are going to the right places because the I-95 corridor from NYC to New Bedford was actually quite casual after a central Connecticut 30+ inch snowpocolypse.
Any who, the fine managers at Carabiner's Indoor Climbing Gym were keen to get DRY ICE into their gym. And what an enormous facility! Easily the tallest gym I've ever been in. Almost 70ft tall. the routes here go on forever. You can get real strong real fast in a place like this, and although the gym was actually closed due to the snow, DRY ICE did not disappoint the small cadre of climbers the managers George and Todd had managed to assemble.
Carabiner's runs an indoor to outdoor program that DRY ICE fit directly into, preparing new indoor climbers for outdoor ice. It's with this kind of energetic, motivated, forward thinking management that indoor climbing will properly proceed.
Members at Carabiner's will be psyched to use DRY ICE on their walls! Cheers to managers Todd Isaksen and George Coto for their brilliance!